Wednesday, July 22, 2015

July 17 = Go to the Doctor Day

Poor Malia- a day after her birthday and a day before her party, she has to go to the doctor for a well baby visit.  She's been feeling kind of bad for a while now- she had a fever for a few days and just sounds really congested so it's not really a well baby visit but she'll go and get checked out and get her one year old shots.  I went ahead and opened one of her presents so she could have new toys to distract her- here's a soft unicorn from the Malinskis.

She weighed 19.6 pounds and is 28 inches tall- here she is playing with her other toy from the Malinskis!

Dr. Modi said she has bronchiolitis and gave us an inhaler that will make her feel better.  Then she got FIVE shots- poor girl.  Then we went to the pharmacy to pick up the medicine that she'll be inhaling and it took soooooooooooooooooooooo long.  But she was content with me bouncing her up and won the pharmacy halls so it was all good. 

My dad has been walking at home- two miles a day- so I wanted to help him keep it up so we walked every day he was here and had two of the cutest walking buddies around!

Oh my goodness- how could I forget the most time consuming part of my day- if I thought the pharmacy was something- whew.  Making a cake.  I wanted to make a ladybug cake.  So I bought a ball pan and thought half of a ball would make a great ladybug body.  And then I thought I'd cut out a circle from the the other half of the ball for the head.  So baking a cake using the ball pan was step one.   I put one prepared boxful in each half of the ball pan.  Cake boxes prepared: 2.  Mistakes: 1.  So I put the cake pans in the oven and worked on the cupcakes.  Cake boxes prepared: 3.  I checked on the ball pan... it was a disaster.  Strawberry cake was oozing everywhere.  So I took that out and let the cupcakes bake while I cleaned up that mess and started on Cake boxes prepared: 4.  I split the fourth cake box among the two ball pans.  That worked much better.  Then came the icing.  I had bought a couple containers of white icing and had some red food coloring.  Mistakes: 2.  If you need red icing, find red icing.  Making white icing turn red requires a lot of red food coloring.  So much so that the icing is basically liquid when you're done.  So... the liquid icing on my cake ran everywhere and made my ladybug spots slide down the cake and this was the end result.

To those who can successfully decorate cakes: I admire you.  If I had a dayjob, I wouldn't quit it.  I write this to show Malia one day how much I love her and that a lot of that love went in to making this sad, sad ladybug cake.

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