Friday, July 31, 2015

July 25 = Sweetest Brother Day

First of all I would just like to share how blessed I am to see this beautiful face every morning and the handsome face of my son- his is not always as cheery as Malia's but he's still handsome.

And second I would like to share how blessed I am that my children love each other and that they, at their core, are so very loving and sweet.  It's hard to hear, but Liam is blowing kisses and after every kiss says "Lala" which is his name for Malia.  It was so very precious and warmed my heart to no end.

After he finished blowing his kisses, he did something he's been doing a lot lately- he walked away and said "Bye guys."  He's been doing that a lot lately and it's so funny.

Also, we had leftover lasagna for lunch.  Malia enjoyed it.

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