Friday, January 1, 2016

December 18 = NC Day One

I won't go into all the details of sleeping when we're not at home because I don't like complaining and that's all I've got when dealing with that subject.  Let's just say Malia was up early and enjoyed looking at the Christmas tree.  Since Daisy's crate is so huge, we decided we didn't have room for one and since we weren't going to be home for Christmas anyway, we decided not to get one this year.  So it made Malia's discovery this morning that much more special.  She was intrigued for sure.

Matt still had a headache from all of Malia's screaming yesterday in the car so I asked my mom if she would accompany me for an outing.  First, we went to Light Years, this amazing jewelry store in Southpoint Mall.  One of their locations is on Franklin Street in Chapel Hill and I used to go there all the time.  Now, I try to visit when I come to NC because they have so many neat things.  So we went there first and then headed to McAlisters- another if at all possible must stop when I'm in NC.  We went to get him out of the car and he had spilled his juice all over his lap.  So we got back in the car and went across the street to Buy Buy Baby to get him some pants.  I always travel with diapers, wipes and extra clothes for both kids but when my dad and brother helped unpack the car last night, they got put inside.  Thankfully I had an emergency stash of diapers and wipes so I only needed to get pants.  So we got him changed and while I could have stayed and done the shopping I was planning on doing in Buy Buy Baby, I was so hungry so we went back to McAlisters and I enjoyed my bacon spud.  I got the kids a cheese pizza and some Hi-C.  They loved it!  They drank out of the straw like pros and ate their whole pizza.  Then we headed back to Buy Buy Baby and my mom sat in the car with the kids while I ran in and got a couple of Christmas presents for the kids.  I hit Barnes & Noble next and then we headed home.  

We were gone for so long that my dad got home from work soon after.  We got a family meal from KFC for dinner- my dad always makes sure the kids get (more than...) enough to eat.

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