Friday, January 1, 2016

December 22 = Go to Smithfield Day

Zachary surprised me!  We had been talking about when he was planning on coming down and it was supposed to be early this morning- he had let me know he had arranged for other people to help him out and get some of the stuff he needed to get done today taken care of but I thought he had to at least check in.  Well I texted him to ask a final estimated departure time and he told me left 20 minutes ago.  I was so excited!  So this morning we got all our stuff together again and headed to Smithfield.  Malia fought sleep the whole way and then fell asleep three minutes before we got there- here she is in the driveway.

 But when we got her out of the car she was ready to go!  Here's one of her Christmas presents from me- I got her this little purse from Barnes & Noble when we went on our big outing Friday.

And then she found a rocking chair- she had lots of fun!

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