Friday, January 1, 2016

December 21 = Mickey Mouse Day

I had to get out of the house today!  My dad had to go back to work and my mom had an appointment so Matt and I got the kids ready and headed to Wal-mart.  We don't have a wal-mart around our house and I'm not too upset about it but it was somewhere to go today so we went.  And I found this:

Liam likes him but Malia's in love.  

Later, Gramps continued his job of making sure the kids eat plenty.

Malia hung out with Mickey pretty much all day.  Daisy joined in.

Again, as I mentioned a few days ago, I'm not going to rant about how little my children sleep when they're not home but when he finally went to sleep and little Miss Daisy snuggled up to him, I had to capture it.

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