Friday, January 1, 2016

December 19 = Matt's 21st Birthday!

The first part of Matt's birthday celebration was going to La Cocina- yet another place I must go when I come to NC.  Here's Liam walking in with Mimi.  It used to be Grammy but he calls her Mimi so that's what we're going with.

My mom made the same cake for Matt as I did for Zachary a few weeks ago- delicious!

Matt let Liam try on the hat- he was a fan.

Malia got to spend some time with her great aunts, Deanie & Lynn.

After lunch, we went home, got the kids down for naps and relaxed for a little bit before heading to Raleigh for Matt's birthday dinner!  Grace had left after lunch to make him another cake so we met her and her parents and her brother at this cute little restaurant.  She brought sparkling cider and root beer since Matt is not interested in drinking alcohol- what a smart one he is.  

Malia liked the cake!

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