Saturday, January 23, 2016

January 19 = Shot Day

Since Dr. Modi went ahead and did Malia's 18 month well visit last week, today we just had to run in for one quick shot.  Here we are waiting:

She took it like a champ- she's such a tough girl- and this was the last shot she'll have to get until she's four!  Today's Tuesday so Zachary has class... this week is going to be crazy.  Tomorrow night, he's required to go to a women's basketball game and Thursday night he has a meeting at 6:00- he's not going to be able to come home before any of these nighttime commitments so it's going to be me and the babies on our own for basically three straight days.  But he's taking Friday off so ... there's a light at the end of the tunnel!  Also I have a cute story.  Liam's developed a new habit of finding any cup and filling it with water from the refrigerator.  Today, he brought a pretty full cup in the living room and spilled it in my lap.  He immediately went to the kitchen and got a towel and started drying me off.  Such a sweet boy!

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