Sunday, May 24, 2015

May 22 = Joe Biden Day

Oh my goodness.  Today was graduation day at the Naval Academy.  We went to the gym in the morning and had the unfortunate timing of driving near the academy when graduation was over.  There were traffic cops who decided to ignore the perfectly capable traffic lights and make their own dysfunctional, dangerous traffic pattern.  At one point, as we were nearing our old apartments, there were two Navy police in the street who decided we needed to go down a street that led to downtown which was a nightmare.  There was nowhere to turn around and it would have added probably an hour to our trip home.  So Zachary decided he was going to give them a hard time about it.  It was a crazy direction but they were adamant about it.  They were yelling, Zachary was driving as slowly as possible so they started threatening.  It stressed me out so much but he eventually did what they hollering about- we ended up riding through the baseball stadium parking lot and got stopped at the gate eight entrance and watched Biden ride right past us.  As a fan of our current administration, that was pretty neat.  He rode by and a few minutes later, we saw several helicopters head out.  Zachary sure knows how to make things memorable.  Also, I got a video of Liam saying pizza over and over again- this is but a snippet.

May 21 = Stand in the Crib Day

We started today like every other Tuesday and Thursday- going to Liam's appointments.  I've probably mentioned it before but there's this waiting area outside of Liam's speech appointment that I like to sit in where it's quiet- no television rambling on, no obnoxious people talking about personal things on their phones as if we all want to hear about your upcoming colonoscopy.  Well, all good things come to and end.  People must have thought I was just too smart and decided to make my sacred, quiet waiting area the pediatric waiting area.  Now immediately I'm thinking about how difficult this is going to be for me with Liam and Malia in a double stroller.  And I'm tempted to fight it on account that I'm not the only one with a stroller or a double stroller for that matter- there are also children in wheel chairs and when all of those are in an area that comfortably seats four- that poses a fire hazard.  They debuted this waiting area last week and I try to just go with the flow.  I try so hard on a regular basis to go with the flow but my mind is saying- this makes no sense- fix it.  Well today another parent with a double stroller (one where the kids sit next to each other so an extra wide double stroller) voiced a concern and I saw that as my chance.   This is the image I had in my head when she and I were trying to navigate this room:

Sliding Block Puzzles - Ma's Puzzle

So I got permission to move Malia to the front waiting room and my concerns are being brought to the person who's in charge of this new waiting area.  So in the front waiting room, I went back to Live with Kelly & Michael in the background but could breathe and Malia learned to eat snacks out of the cup holder.  This is not her normal seat- she is normally in her carseat and hooked into the seat behind Liam but she is hating her car seat- it may be time to move her into a big girl car seat and fix the stroller so that she can sit like Liam does.

Later we came home for naps and when I went to get Miss Priss from her stroller- this is what I found.

Good thing we had already moved the mattress down!

May 20 = Swing Day

First of all, here's Liam modeling some new clothes from grandma- my personal favorites:

Secondly, my plants sprouted!

Thirdly, I think Malia is a strong candidate for my yoga partner in a few years:

Our new favorite thing to do is get the babies in the umbrella strollers and head to any one of a number of playgrounds near us.  Liam loves the slides and Malia loves the swings.  Today she decided to keep her feet close to her and it was just too cute.

Also Liam is his father's child- he's started randomly yelling "IZZA!  IZZA!" which if you know Zachary, you know he's referring to pizza.  It's so stinking cute and he'll say it over and over again.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

May 19 = Graduation Day!

It's graduation day!  Well one of their graduation days.  There was a ceremony for Zachary's department at GW and then the big GW graduation ceremony at the national mall but Zachary didn't care to go to those because of the logistics- the packing, the parking, the walking, the waiting... it just wasn't in the cards for us.  I got Liam and Malia a spot at the CDC (still the child development center, not the Centers for Disease Control) 30 days in advance- I stayed up until midnight so I could guarantee that spot because I wanted to be able to sit in the middle of a row, not next to the door, and I wanted to be able to listen to the speakers, not spend the whole time trying to meet both children's needs before they were even aware of them to prevent noise that would compromise others' experiences.  It would have been nice for them to be there but they were happier being able to play with toys and move around however they liked.

There were two good speeches- one about the importance of always learning- that what we know to be true today may be tested and proven false in the future- knowledge isn't static; it's always changing.  And then one of Zachary's favorite professors gave the keynote speech and he discussed leadership which is what these students have been learning all about for the past year.

 After the ceremony we headed to a child-free brunch at Iron Rooster.  Then we snapped some pictures- I'm not sure when this first one was taken because the photographer was sneaky :) but I love it- candid pictures are the best.

The Blue Angels were practicing as we walked back to the car so that was.... interesting.  I know a lot of people love watching them but it freaks me out.  I'm not a fan of the noise or the lack of distance between them and me.  So we picked up the kids from the CDC a little early on the way home- Grandma and Pops had to leave pretty soon after we got home so we got them an hour early so they could at least see them for a few minutes!

Grandma gave Malia her quilt and a matching pillow and gave Liam a matching pillow to his quilt she made for him when he was a baby- Malia loves her pillow:

May 18 = Graduation Party Day

He's done!  Well he's kind of been done but graduation is tomorrow so the cohort planned a party- one the guys lives near this little park that has playgrounds and a tiny beach and a covered picnic area- it was so nice for the guys (and one gal) and their families to be able to hang out- my friend Amy had an idea that we get a picture with all the little ones- the sign that says "The Party's Here" had been taken out of the ground at its original location so I relocated it to this picture- they really are the life of the party!

 And here are most of the classmates- a few weren't able to make it.

Liam had so much fun exploring the playground equipment- he loves slides so much.  Malia had fun swinging- she hates being thrown in the air but loves swinging.  But it was pretty hot and even though we kept coating them in sunscreen, we were starting to think their skin was looking a little red so we headed home.  Grandma and Pops were on their way to Maryland for tomorrow's graduation and you can see how happy Liam was to talk to them!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 17 = Marathon Day!

As I'm typing this I'm getting updates from Zachary- some of the midshipmen ran (how clever am I) into some problems during the race so they were supposed to be home around five but it's five now and they haven't quite left yet because they're waiting for the three mids to be discharged from the hospital.  But Zachary did well!  He was happy with his time and said the course was really challenging.  

Here's Liam watching Grammy and Uncle Matt leave- I immediately facetimed Gramps after taking this picture because I wanted him to be distracted and I think it worked. I've been bragging a lot lately about how sweet Malia is but my little man is pretty sweet too when he wants to be.  He's very independent and strong willed so his sweetness doesn't always shine through but when he's in a loving mood you'd have a hard time finding a boy sweeter than him.

May 16 = 10 Months Day!

Good morning Liam!  Each morning when I go to get him up, he is in some fashion halfway off the bed.  Silly man.

 Zachary left today to Pocono, Pennsylvania to run a marathon with the USNA marathon team so Grammy and Uncle Matt came to help me out this weekend- we did some shopping and of course went to Chick-fil-a.  I have a problem.

Also today is Malia's 10 month birthday!  She is just the sweetest little baby I've ever come across- the way she holds her baby and pats my arm every time I pick her up.  And to add to that- now she's blowing kisses too and when I blow her a kiss it just makes her so happy- she loves attention and affection and I really think she's going to be such a giver and so very kind.  I am so blessed to be her mommy!

Side note:

When we went to the mall this evening something interesting happened.  Matt was trying on some clothes at Eddie Bauer and so I was just standing with the two kids- a lady who worked there started talking to the kids and was commenting on how different their eyes are- I noted that my husband has blue eyes and I love that one of them has brown and the other has blue and she started talking about how she used to have beautiful blue eyes- talking about the rim was a different color than the rest and then noted that her eyes changed colors when she got lisch nodules.  Recognizing that as a common problem for people with NF I said, "You don't have NF do you?" And she said she does.  So I told her Liam did too and she gave me a look that is hard to describe.  One that said, "I'm so sorry," and one that said "there's someone like me," and one that said "this is going to be hard" and one that said "but you'll make it."  She is a first generation NFer like Liam is- no one in her family had it or had heard of it before but she has two kids- a boy and a girl- and her son does have it- her daughter doesn't.  So one thing that I constantly have to keep in mind is that every doctor I have talked to about NF has said different things but one thing they have all said is that each NF patient is different.  Some have a severe case and some have a mild case- each severe case looks different, each mild case looks different.  But she told me a little bit about her son's experience and gave me some websites to look up that can be helpful.  Her son graduated from high school on time but it was a tough road to get there- she said he's brilliant but just doesn't learn the same way that other kids learn and that sounds a lot like Liam already.  So it was encouraging that this lady has a job, can carry a conversation and grew up to have a family.  It's not what I would have chosen to experience out of the blue on a Saturday night but maybe this meeting wasn't for me- maybe it was for her.  Maybe she needed to see someone that knew what she felt as a parent of a child with NF.  Maybe she needed to give those resources to someone and know that her experience was going to help someone else.  Or maybe it was for Liam- maybe he needed that extra story and the extra tight hug and the thirty minutes later than normal bed time- only God knows.  But whatever reason there was for this meeting, I'm thankful for it.  She made it clear that this is not easy and it made me think of how I'm going to help him through the tough times- this song came to mind.

I've had questions without answers,
I've known sorrow, I have known pain.
But there's one thing that I cling to,
You are faithful, Jesus you're true.

When hope is lost, I'll call you savior.
When pain surrounds, I'll call you healer.
When silence falls, you'll be the song within my heart.

In the lone hour of my sorrow,
Through the darkest night of my soul,
You surround me and sustain me,
My defender forever more.

When hope is lost, I'll call you savior.
When pain surrounds, I'll call you healer.
When silence falls, you'll be the song within my heart.

I will praise you.  I will praise you.
When the tears fall, still I will sing to you.
I will praise you, Jesus praise you.
Through the suffering, still I will sing. 

When hope is lost, I'll call you savior.
When pain surrounds, I'll call you healer.
When silence falls, you'll be the song within my heart.

May 15 = Brio Day

I had an appointment today so we took Liam to the Navy day care but kept Malia out because she's usually pretty easy.  Well let this first picture give you an idea of the kind of attitude she had today:
We had gift cards to Brio which is not a good place for Mr. Liam to go to because he doesn't like to sit still and quietly so we've been planning on going while he's in the day care- we didn't even think Malia might be tough but she decided to keep us on our toes because today she decided to be so mad about everything- she didn't want to be in her car seat so we took her out and then she didn't want to sit still so Zachary took her over to a bench- thankfully we were sitting outside so it wasn't difficult to let her move around.  They had some good bonding time while I finished my delicious lunch.

May 14 = Sweet Girl Day

What a wonderful thing to see first thing in the morning:

Malia started blowing kisses today and also gave Zachary a high five- she's the sweetest!

May 13 = Our Anniversary Day

Well this first picture is from late last night- Liam has developed a habit of waking up around 11 and we've developed a habit of bringing him downstairs because he's spoiled.  Anyway, I took this picture so I'd remember that he sat in Zachary's lap and started rubbing Zachary's chin and then started rubbing his own chin and it was just so funny- he noticed that they were different- Zachary's was a little prickly and Liam's was not- he was trying so hard to figure it out.

But then it was 5/13.  Zachary and I started dating twelve years ago!  More so than our wedding anniversary, 6/26, I see 5-13 everywhere- I always seem to look at the lock when it's 5:13, I see it in phone numbers, etc. We had a busy day though- we had two appointments and then we had some friends over for dinner but here are two highlights of the day- Liam and Malia sharing strawberries:

 And then Liam and Malia sharing the keyboard and making some pretty cool music:

After our friends left and we got both kids down, we shared my favorite wine.  So we didn't make a big deal out of our special day but we spent it with friends and our little family which made it a perfect day!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

May 12 = Zachary's Phone's Pictures Upload Day

I have my phone with me more than Zachary usually does because we give everyone my number... Liam's medical stuff, housing stuff, etc. so if someone needs to get in touch with us, my phone is usually the one that rings.  So it's rare that Zachary's phone has pictures on it that mine doesn't but here are a few exceptions:

Caught in the act- emptying his neatly organized drawers and climbing like a monkey
She loves to swing.

Action shot!

Snuggling with Daddy

Let me in, sister!

Liam's photography skills
So those were all over the last few weeks but this one is from my phone and from today:

With all of our home depot trips this weekend, we had taken the double stroller out of the van to create space for all the stuff we had to get.  Well we forgot to put it back in the stroller and so today I went to get the double stroller out to transport both kids into Liam's therapy office and it wasn't there.  So it was time to get creative.  The carseat with Malia in it is far too heavy for me to carry now.  Carrying her and ensuring Liam holds my hand in the parking lot is a little risky for me.  I thought about putting Malia in the Ergobaby but it was so hot and if I had I wouldn't have anywhere for her to sit when we got inside.  So I got out one umbrella stroller and put her in it and let Liam help push- this kept him right in front of me and Malia safe as well but made it fun for Liam- he loved it!

May 11 = Yes Day

Liam and I were walking to the mailbox and before we left the front door I asked him if he would hold hands and he said "yes," with the y sound and the s sound- big accomplishment!

May 10 = Mother's Day!

So I left a cliff hanger on yesterday's post- I know you were sitting on the edge of your seat wondering what Zachary was doing.  Well he made us a wonderful Mother's Day dinner- barbecue chicken with veggies and even made some sangria.  There were flowers and a new pretty pitcher for our homemade sangria and he set everything and everyone up outside on our new patio- it was such a nice dinner that we shared together.

And after dinner, we put both kids in their own umbrella stroller and went for a little stroll.  The kids were so cute wanting to talk to each other and interact- it melted my heart!

And on our way back, we checked the mail and my Mother's Day present had arrived!  A necklace with two charms- an L and an M for my two babies

So it was a wonderful day and I still had actual Mother's Day to look forward to!  Zachary prepared breakfast for all of us- taters 'n' eggs, chocolate chip pancakes and bacon- and I got to read my cards Zachary and Liam picked out for me- Malia trusted them to make good choices.

Then we got everyone dressed and ready and headed to Home Depot to get stuff to make a vegetable garden- I had done some research but we kinda just winged it once we got there- I knew I wanted squash, green beans and cucumbers but there was a packet of four seeds with the three I wanted and some lettuce so we went with that and got two garden beds and soil.  The babies were so good and continued loving this umbrella strollers side by side situation.

Then we headed to Chili's for lunch.  I had been craving some chips & salsa.  Malia was ready to sleep.

 I got a picture with my favorite toddler:

The service was horrendous.  I won't bore you with details but just know it was bad.  But the chips & salsa were good and spending time with my little family was perfect so we didn't really care.  The table behind us was complaining to the manager and Zachary had a lot of fun acting really obnoxious and saying "Yeah!  Us too!"  He just likes causing a scene- he wasn't mad but he had fun acting like he was.

Then we went home and had a pretty low key evening- I put Liam to bed while Zachary was working on something and he sat in my lap while I read him books.  I had him lay in bed and told him goodnight and we said our prayers and then I left... I didn't really want to but it was time for him to go to sleep.  Now he usually takes his time going to sleep- he chats with Gigi, climbs on the window sill, pretends his beds are part of an obstacle course... but tonight it didn't seem like he was going to go to sleep on his own so I happily went back up there with a drink and he sat in my lap again and let me hold him and I just rocked him back and forth while we were sitting on the floor.  This is a very rare opportunity for me so I took it and when he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore I laid him back in bed.  Him saying "mama" the day before was probably my favorite part of this Mother's day weekend but this was a close second. 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

May 9 = Yard Work Day

Oh my goodness!  For the first time in a long time, I am writing a blog post about the day that is actually occurring.  This morning I woke up at 7 which is early for me and Zachary was playing a game on his phone.  For some reason, every April, this boy starts not being able to sleep.  So I got up and came downstairs and while I was messing on the computer he prepared this for me:

And then we slowly got the kids dressed and ready and fed and we headed to Home Depot.  The back yard that we inherited was bad.  Really bad.  We're not trying to have the best backyard in the world but we would like to be able to have the kids play outside every once in a while so in order to do that, we've got to get to work.  Liam was really excited about the trip:

Good thing the backseats of our minivan fold down:

This is the starting picture of our backyard.  Now this is after we put hours into cleaning it up.  I wish I had a picture of what it looked like before we got to it- when we moved in.  You'd be impressed with this picture.

While Zachary worked on his project- making a new patio- I got Liam's sandbox that Grammy & Gramps sent to us all ready for him.

 He was a little unsure at first:

 But he warmed up pretty quickly.

While we were lounging in the sandbox, Daddy was hard at work.  Also, Malia was taking a nap- didn't want you to think we forgot about her.

But in addition to today being yard work day, it was also one of my favorite days ever.  I went to get Liam and some toys for the sandbox and I let him go down the stairs by himself- he's quite good at it.  Side note: He's started saying "good job" and recognizing himself- it's the cutest.  I was putting the toys in the box and he was continuing his way down the stairs and Zachary asked him if he was gonna play in the sandbox with mama.  And he said it. "Mama,"  "Mama," "Maaaaaaaama" and tears instantly filled my eyes.  I've been waiting over two years to hear that sound.  I thought soon after he
 said "dada," "mama" would follow but it didn't.  In his yearly photo books I do, I write a message at the end.  When I wrote the note in the back of his book celebrating his first birthday I wrote that I was looking forward to hearing him say "mama."  In the book celebrating his second birthday I reiterated my excitement and now that day has come.  It may sound silly to get so excited but there's just something about hearing him call my name that melts my heart.  A couple hours later he saw a magnet on the refrigerator- it's a picture of the three of us- Malia wasn't around yet- and he pointed to me in the picture and said "mama," proving it wasn't a fluke.  

Well Zachary left while I was blogging- took both kids- and got something else for me- I don't know what it is yet but he's cooking dinner now and I have a feeling it has something to do with our new and improved backyard... we shall see!