Tuesday, May 3, 2016

April 15 = T-shirt Making Day

Zachary took today off meaning I got to sleep in and was woken up by a little Malia.  She came in and attacked with her two pacis in her mouth.

My favorite facebook post of the day:

We went to the gym this morning.  They do not do this for me.  When I am by myself with them, Liam runs to the door, Malia sits on the floor and refuses to go.  I have to run after Liam to ensure he doesn't get to the door and then drag him back to find Malia.  It's a daily disaster but the two hours of childcare I get make it all worth it!  Anyway- when Zachary comes along, they behave so well and I get to take pictures like these:

Later, I got to work on t-shirts for the marathon.  The front has an abbreviated version of the beginning of Hebrews chapter 12.  Joey was supervising:

I came upstairs from painting- Zachary kept the kids upstairs so I could make the tshirts without guarding them from little feet and hands- and saw this precious sight.  

And Liam was in his own world:

And here's my other favorite facebook post from the day.

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