Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 18 = Favorite Video Ever Day

First I saw this on facebook and laughed out loud and then sent it to Zachary.

Next I'll share some pictures of some of the preschool work we did today.  We worked on the letter A which Liam pronounces like the letter E.  There's a subtle difference between the pronunciation of his A and his E so I can tell he knows but it takes a discerning ear to hear it!  This picture shows the first time he has attempted to actually color something instead of just indiscriminately scribbling all over the page!

While Liam and I were working, Malia sneaked off with a marker and did some artwork of her own. 

As a side note- I typed in snuck before changing it to sneaked because spell-check says snuck isn't a word.  I then googled it and in case you were wondering, sneaked is the traditional past tense of sneak but snuck is an American word and is an acceptable alternative.

Anyways.  Here's a video that I'm so so glad I captured.  How cute is she?!?!

1 comment:

  1. Good coloring job, Liam. And, Lala, you are sooooo cute!
