Thursday, May 19, 2016

May 15 = New Shoes Day

My friend Amy let me know Old Navy was having a sale on their kids' shoes so I ran and got Malia some.  The ones she's wearing in these pictures, you can't really see because they're clear jellies but they're super cute and she loves them!

She started walking sideways...

We had walked to a little playground across the street just to get the kids out of the house- I fear Liam is coming up on his little phase where he is just unmanageable for a week and then comes out being an angel.  Here we are on our way back - Liam and Zachary were ahead and you can tell by Malia's swinging arm, she was determined to catch up!

Our little excursion wore out Miss Malia:

Also I saw this and I kind of want a t-shirt that says this.  Well seven of them in different colors so I can just wear them every day and just point to my shirt when anyone gives me a look.

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