Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 26 = Play Outside Day

On Tuesday I ran to Babies R Us real quick to see if they had any alternate baby proofing solutions now that Liam has figured out how to open doors with the regular old knob protector.  I found something- we'll see if it works.  While I was there I also got him a car seat to put in Zachary's car so that some days I can bring Liam to Zachary and they can hang out and Zachary can bring him home!  Here he is trying out his new seat:

I got one other thing from Babies R Us- a kiddie pool!  We'll see if we have any more success with it this year than we did last year!

And when they were done checking out the pool, they returned to the trusty turtle sandbox!

We decided to strip them down outside before they brought all the sand in with them... Malia was a fan.

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