Sunday, May 8, 2016

April 23 = Malia's Expressive Day

We had a fun day today!  Look at my skinny child:

Ravens and Red Sox... interesting combo:

Malia wore a pretty little dress today that her friend Evie got her for her birthday last year... and she's being such a sweet girl to Joey.

After getting dressed and eating breakfast we headed to the gym and then to the Academy.  I've got to share these videos of my crazy kids:

We went to the Academy to see the swimming portion of the Special Olympics that the Midshipmen Action Group was helping out with:

We had spaghetti for dinner- can you tell?

Also, I saw this on facebook and laughed out loud again.  

And later, I brought this toy out- there's a frame and then a board with holes in it that different colored buttons can pop into.  It came with lots of different pictures that can go on the board and helps the kids with color recognition and the fine motor skills required to pop the buttons in.  I got it out for Liam but Malia really surprised me with how well she did!

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