Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 24 = Dentist Day

The kids both had dentist appointments this morning! At the time I made these back to back appointments, it seemed like a great idea.  Note to self: it is not a good idea.  We had to entertain ourselves for 30 minutes past our appointment time and that was no small feat. 

Thirty minutes doesn't seem that long.  If the kids took a 30 minute nap, that wouldn't be long.  But while in a waiting room, 30 minutes takes forever.  But we made it.  Liam went first and got his first actual cleaning.  He hated it.  Then Malia went and they counted her teeth and told me again that the enormous gap between her top two teeth is fine...

Later, we went to a graduation party for some of Zachary's midshipmen- it was downtown and here's Zachary and his little girl:

 Also I saw this today and had to share... so true.

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