Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 17 = Help Sister Day

I'm going to start with that because although Liam is three, he's getting close to four and this totally applies.

Today was our last MOPS meeting.  We ate some yummy food and played some games- one of them was "Mingle Bingo" where you have a bingo card and you have to find people that match descriptions in each of the squares.  Some of the descriptions were:

Is a twin
Drives a Prius
Knows how to sew

The only two out of 24 that applied to me was "has a tattoo" and "dislikes tomatoes."  After the games all the moms picked their kids up from Moppets and we all met downstairs in the gym for what was supposed to be a fun "picnic" because it was raining outside.  Part of the meeting was "sharing time" for people to talk about what MOPS means to them.  One girl said she was disappointed she hadn't been able to come very much but that she's looking forward to next year and is really hoping to make some friends.  I can definitely relate so I found her at the picnic afterward and we discussed how hard it is to find friends!  She's super nice and I think we're going to plan some play dates during the summer to keep us busy until MOPS starts back up in the fall!  I had to leave early because Liam was throwing tantrums because I wouldn't let him open the doors off of the gym that opened up into rooms with lots of musical instruments in them.  It wasn't pleasant.

But he had a nap and afterward was feeling a little better.  I asked him to clean his room when I got him up and that involved putting his number puzzle pieces in the right spots and when Malia came in, he started pointing to the spot each of the pieces she was picking up went and it was so cute!  I waited too long to start taking a video so you only see him helping with one piece but it was so, so cute.


1 comment:

  1. Oh, that was so cute! Keep up the good helping, Liam!
    Love you and Malia!
