Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 19 = Diaper Disaster Day

Today started off like a normal day.  I opened Liam's door and he ran into our room to get the iPad so he could play his morning music while I changed Malia.  I FaceTimed my mom because I needed to tell her something- can't remember what it was now- and was taking my time... when I finally picked Liam up to change him, he was soaked.  Then I realized he had somehow taken his diaper off without taking his clothes off.  If you look at the bottom of his right leg you'll see a bump in his pajamas.  That's his diaper.  So early morning bath for Liam!

 Loved this:

 Loved this as well:

 And loved this the most:

Some of my favorite moments in life are after the kids are in bed for a while, one of them wakes up and is being super sweet so we'll bring him/her down and spend some one on one time with him/her.  Tonight it was Malia's turn.  She's such a sweetheart, especially when she's tired!

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