Tuesday, May 17, 2016

May 4 = Garfield Day

My kids sure know how to make a mess:

...and how to get in interesting situations.

My husband knows how to make me smile: 

And facebook memes make me laugh. I don't know why it cut off but it says "I don't have all, not even some, of my ducks in a row... but they're all in the same pond so I have that going for me."

And Garfield makes Liam laugh.  He knows how to use the remote to get to the "Kids Zone" on our TV which only allows him to watch certain things- the only things he wants to watch anyway- and he's recently discovered the Garfield movie.  This is his favorite part and while he usually laughs harder than this (of course they never do exactly what you want when you're recording) but it still captures the joy he experiences while watching. 

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